Next morning we left Ohrid. By eleven a.m. we arrived Skopje, left our backpacks at the bus station and took the bus to Tetovo. On arrival we got off from the bus together with beautiful girl Bojana and she explained us way to our destination in Tetovo.

Tetovo's population is just a little bit exceeds 50000 (2002), but there are two univercities and streets crowded with young people.
Half hour walking - and we reached what we were looking for - Baba Arabati tekke. Tekke - it is monastery of Islamic sect Bektashi. It was founded in the 13th century by the Islamic saint Hajji Bektash Wali. Bektashi teacing is based on tolerance and respect to other beliefs. In tekke we found just one dervish, but he answered our questions and invited us to share lunch with him. We also met Peter - young american studing Balkan folklor music.

In the evening we returned to Skopje and in the morning of the next day were on our way to Kosovo.
Dear Jev! By this photos i can see that you have visited many interesting places in Macedonia. I'm pleased that you have mansioned me in your blog and I hope that you will come in my country again :)