From the last summer I live in old wooden house in Kadiku (Juniper in Latvian) street. My flat is only 21 sq.meters, but I have everything necessary for my life - electricity, running water with electrical heater, bio-toilet and internet connection. And because of small room I got rid of all superfluous and overweight things.
From Kotor (Montenegro) to Belgrade (Serbia) we went by bus. It is long 11-hours trip, but road is beautiful.
On crossing the border Serbian immigration and customs officers paid us special attention to two. Only we among other passengers were taken from the bus and our backpacks were carefully checked. Just later we found the reason. On arrival Kosovo we got stamps in our passports. Now they were crossed by Serbs "Anulle". So we were involved into Balkan political duspute ))).
In Belgrade we did not stay long, got railway tickets to Sofia and had good sleep whole night.
In Sofia we met Cvetan and later same day arrived Riga.
Below are pictures on the road Kotor - Belgrade taken from the bus window..
We arrived Kotor early in the morning. Empty streets, formidable walls of the Old Town and high mountains around...
It was so interesting and fascinating! And it did not end with sunrise but just changed to another charming beauty.
It takes only two hours by bus from Skopje to Prishtina, including delay at the Macedonia-Kosovo border. In Prishtina we had another Couchsurfing friend Labinot. He explained that his place is just 15 minutes walking from the bus station? near restaurant "Mozart". But we found that nobody knows that place. First we were directed to Bill Klinton street with monument of that hero of Kosovo. In the end we took taxi (they are cheap in Prishtina) to meet Labinot and his friends.
After lunch and cup of coffee we went to Gadime village 35 km south of Prishtina. Guide sold us tickets (2.5 euro each) and opened door to fairy tale...
On our way back to Prishtina we vizited Serbian Orthodox monastery in Grachanitsa.
In the evening we walked along the streets of Prishtina and visited one of the nunerous mosques.
Next morning we took a bus to Prizren. But day was rainy and we did not stay there long.
In the evening we said "Good bye" to Kosovo, Prishtina and our friends and left for Montenegro by night bus.